There are two modes that the screenpop webservice supports……Regular Mode and Auto Mode.
These modes are selected when you activate the screen pop webservice in the Activation screen.
For Regular mode:
In Regular mode the collector does not need to click on the screen pop button in Collections MAX Professional prior to placing a call via the dialer like in Auto mode. Instead the collector clicks on the screenpop button AFTER a call has been connected via the dialer to bring up the account that the collector is currently on the phone with.
The collector does not need to click the screenpop button every time a call has been connected. In this mode the collector only clicks the screenpop button when the collector needs to bring up the account that the dialer just connected to.
The collector will see the below popup and the last connected call the webservice received will automatically be shown on screen in Collections MAX Professional.
For Auto Mode:
In Auto mode the collector needs to click the screenpop button PRIOR to starting the predictive dialer. When a call has been connected by the dialer the software itself will pop the account.
There is a one minute timeout on this version of the screenpop for the collector to place the call via the dialer to reduce the load on our servers.